Monday, November 29, 2010

Greg Habeeb Running for Virginia’s 8th District

Greg Habeeb is running to fill the vacant seat left by Morgan Griffith, who was elected to Congress.

Habeeb grew up in Southwest Virginia, and knows what is important to the people living there. He was recently named as a top 20 Roanoke Valley Business Leader under the age of 40 by the Blue Ridge Business Journal. He is a determined individual, who is committed to the conservative cause.

“I want to go to Richmond and provide conservative solutions that work for families and taxpayers to control spending, keep taxes low, and create jobs for the people of Salem and Roanoke County” – Greg Habeeb

Virginia’s 8th District will be in good hands with Greg Habeeb serving as their delegate. To read more about Greg, or to contribute or volunteer, please follow this link.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Virginia Bill Asks for Tea Party License Plate

Our very own Del. John O'Bannon was recently featured nationally on The Drudge Report, for his upcoming legislation allowing Virginia motorists to purchase the above license plate supporting the Tea Party. The plate features the rattlesnake emblem and yellow background of the historic Gadsden Flag, which has become a symbol of the Tea Party.

Before a specialty plate can be issued in Virginia, 350 prepaid applications must be submitted to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. This application can be found here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Virginia Lawmakers Cite Ways to Cut Spending

A week after the election, newly elected Representatives Morgan Griffith, Scott Rigell and Robert Hurt are already citing ways to balance the budget, and cut federal spending.

All three agree on cutting the salary of members of Congress. They also believe they can cut the amount of money spent on staff salary, and mail pieces. It’s smart politics in that it shows the newly elected Representatives are willing to cut their own expenditures, something that is more directly in their control.

Representative-Elect Griffith also wants to end the practice that allows members of Congress to lease a vehicle through the House of Representatives. He said of his early ideas…

“They’re not going to solve the budget problem, but you’ve got to start somewhere”

To read more about how Virginia’s newly elected Representatives believe they can balance the budget click here.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tim Kaine Out as Chairman of the DNC?

Looks like Tim Kaine, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee may be on his way out. Rumors have been swirling around that Obama’s Press Secretary Robert Gibbs might take over the position.

I wonder why these rumors have come up. Maybe it’s because nationally Republicans have picked up 61+ seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. Or even worse, that Kaine’s home state of Virginia went from having six Democrats in the U.S. House, to now having only three or two. Kaine says…

“My goal is to do what the President wants me to do…I want to do what I can to be most valuable...I’m kind of willing to let him [Obama], and the team, decide what is my highest and best use”

Maybe Obama and his team have decided that you have no use. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Republican Election Surge Hits U.S. State Houses

The recent election that gave Republicans control of the U.S. House of Representatives, will also lead to a change in state legislatures. This could lead to Republican control of Congress for the next decade.

Legislatures will soon be redrawing electoral districts for the U.S. House. This adjustment tends to favor the party in charge in each state. According to Tim Storey, an elections analyst at the bipartisan National Conference of State Legislators, Republicans will be in the best position to control congressional redistricting since modern remapping began in the 1970s. The Republicans heavy presence could allow them to preserve, or add, 15 to 25 U.S. House seats.

Republicans saw a net gain of at least 680 state legislatures. Election results so far have Republicans in charge of 54 legislative chambers, with Democrats controlling 38 and two chambers with a partisan split. 

To read more, please follow this link.