Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Debate Wrap Up Bob Wins

-McDonnell Surges Ahead Deeds In Alomst Every Issue In Debate-

This weekend the future of the Commonwealth has spoken, and it was through McDonnell’s vision at the first gubernatorial debate. Transportation and jobs were the hot topics and it was clear that McDonnell out staged Deeds in both. McDonnell unveiled his plan for Virginia’s transpiration issues by thinking outside the box by using a collection of bond revenues, setting aside a percentage new revenues from general revenue growth, revenues received from privatizing ABC stores, and using revenues from future offshore drilling to pay for the project. Importantly, the plan establishes regional accounts where revenues generated in certain regions stay in that region to support the region’s transportation projects. Deeds had no such plan.

On jobs McDonnell certainly stuck to his campaign slogan “Bob’s 4 Jobs” when he called for Virginia’s two US Senators – Jim Webb and Mark Warner – to vote against “Cap and Tax”. Deeds at the debate was “non-committal”. Deeds gesture does not stand well for someone who will hold the highest office in Virginia. To add insult to injury, thousands of Deeds’ own constituents work at a Mead Westvaco plant in Covington which faces closure if “Cap and Tax” passes. To quote McDonnell,

“If you won’t take a stand for 1,500 jobs in your district, people in Virginia can’t be confident that you’ll protect jobs statewide. A governor needs to take a stand and say if it’s wrong for Virginia, I’ll oppose it (cap and trade).

Bob McDonnell appears to be right. Virginians shouldn’t be too comfortable about a Gov. Creigh Deeds, unless they think that growing government is the way to grow an economy.

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