Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Delegate Kathy Byron Sets the Record Straight...

Yesterday, Delegate Kathy Byron calls out Minority Leader Ward Armstrong for once again using faulty facts on the House Floor.

This is beginning to be a regular occurrence...

Oh ... and I almost forgot to mention ... not only is Ward attacking the bipartisan majority who voted for this bill in the House ... He is also publicly "slapping" the Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw who sponsored the bill in the Senate...


Anonymous said...

Wow- look at the arrogance and hubris coming from Armstrong. It's one thing to be wrong, it's another thing to refuse to admit it and proclaim it as fact.


Anonymous said...

how tone deaf does Del. Byron have to be to think a 33% increase in utility rates isn't devastating to rural Virginians? She's proud to prove how she corrected Del. Armstrong from 90% to 33%?

Typical Republican arrogance. She is a disgrace in her own right.

Anonymous said...

I think the previous commenter is missing the point. Armstrong is intentionally misinforming his constituents by repeating things that he knows are not true. Then he is making youtube videos pretending that he is simply defending them and questioning the integrity of others who simply ask him to tell the truth. Notice how he never acknowledges his errors on the floor and simply gives his stump speech for the camera so he can edit out the truth and play only his remarks. Too bad his local papers don't have reporters and just take for gospel whatever his legislative aide tells them about such issues. Repeating something you know to be untrue is lieing. Using that lie to impugn others is especially aggregious. Come on Ward, go back to being the guy you were before your statewide aspirations turned you into something less.